Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sweet Dreams?

So... no one told me that the sleepless nights would begin BEFORE the baby arrives. This would have been helpful to know. I would have been accumulating sleeping hours like roll-over minutes to ensure that I could be well rested. But, no.. there are no hours backlogged for me to draw from.

All the "specialists" from the pregnancy books I have been reading are talking about how I should not sleep on my back. OK.. I can do that. But then you read farther and it talks about how the baby will put pressure of your vital arteries and cause all sorts of issues. Well, I did not need to read that. As a self-proclaimed worry wort (who am I kidding... everyone within a 10 mile radius is aware of my tendency to magnify fear) I start thinking my head will explode if I sleep on my back. But here is the challenge.. How much conscious control do we have over our actions when we sleep? If we did, I would look like Sleeping Beauty with my hair lightly falling over my shoulders and my hands clasped primly across my chest, instead of the Wicked Witch sleeping off a night of binge drinking. So in the middle of the night I will wake up (probably to take one of my marathon trips to the loo) and find myself.... dun dun dun... on my back. Great.. now I am wide awake, awaiting the inevitable head explosion.

This would not be a problem if I did not sleep on my back in a Dracula-esque coffin style. Should have learned to sleep on my side while saving up hours in my sleep bank. Lesson Learned..

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