Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cute Fetus Names

One thing I have always been told about pregnancy is that you should name the little fetus while in the womb.  Now I have heard a wide array of names:  peanut, kumquat, bean, tadpole, lizard... so cute and precious.  People choose names that evoke a sense of the cute, precious, delicate, sweet.

Not in out house.  Who names their fetus after the side effects listed in a Saturday Night Live birth control sketch?  Only those with a crazy crush on the comic genius of Tina Fey.  What is our cute fetus name?...  "Fire Baby"!!  That's right.. I've got a little fire baby growing inside me. 
Some people may disagree, but I think it's a perfectly ideal name.  I have never given birth before (obviously), but I think "Fire Baby" will be aptly named once the "volcano" errupts in "South America".


  1. I can't wait to read more about the adventures of Fire Baby! Congrats!

  2. me too!! so excited!
    you crack me up
