Thursday, July 29, 2010

Evils of the Internet

BTW:  WebMD is like crack to worry warts like me.  We get a thought into our head, especially having to do with anything and everything that would go wrong with our pregnancy, and we sprint to the nearest source... webmd.

In all actuality, WedMD and like sources offer a variety of helpful facts and opinions from reputable sources, however, to those who are prone to fixate, it feeds a deep seeded anxiety that blossoms full grown into a forest of worry and fear. 

I take every ache and pain and believe that is is actually happening to me.  All of a sudden, I begin to feel and experience every symptom listed on the website and spiral into a chasm of anxiety. 

Because of my middle of the night/ early morning insomnia of late, I have found myself surfing the internet to answer all my questions about pregnancy.  Unfortunately, you can find just about any answer you are looking for/ or not looking for... and there is an expert who agrees with every single opinion. 

I have to think back to how many trillions of women have been having healthy babies for centuries around the world long before WebMD was invented.  Women who only ate corn cakes and collard greens shot out healthy babies.  Women in huts living off of monkey meat and grub worms birthed healthy children.

Here's to you WebMD... thanks for ruining our ignorance with all possible senarios of medical phenomenon.  BTW:  my husband has banned the internet for me between the hours of midnight and 8 am.

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