Monday, August 2, 2010


So I am almost at 38 weeks.  Like most stages of pregnancy, all your well wishing friends want to share their stories and give advice.  This stage is no exception.  Some people swear that your baby will come two weeks early.  Some people swear your baby will be a week late.  Everyone has an opinion of how to either "make" baby come, or "prevent" baby from coming.

There are some of the interesting challenges of having an "unplanned" pregnancy... (I shutter to even phrase it that way, because the term "unplanned" immediately makes you think of that sad 15 year old on the tv commercials cowering in the corner clutching the phone trying to figure out who she can talk to about her "mistake")  By unplanned, I simply mean that I am a terrible counter and have never been any good with math or remembering dates and numbers.  "Unplanned" to me and Bj simply means... God's perfect plan for our crazy little life.

Anyway... the challenges of "God's perfect plan" is that there were other things on the calendar before precious little firebaby came onto our radar.  For example, BJ's middle school summer camp falls this week, just two weeks before firebaby arrives.  Interesting challenge #1

My darling husband has about 47 different back up plans on how he will be able to get home in time for the birth of little squirt.  I think one is calling the A-Team to help him hijack an airplane and parachute his way onto the roof of St. David's hospital. 
So I am husbandless this week.  No worries... my doctor says baby isn't coming any time soon.  Perfect news as I leave his office and get into my car... the seats burning the flesh of my thighs as the thermometer reads 120 degrees... The joys of buying a black car!!  The joys of being 9 months preggers in August in Texas.  Firebaby... hold on a week till Daddy gets home...

Ohh... forgot to say that I do feel 15 and pregnant because I  am staying with my mom and dad while BJ is gone.  Nothing like being pregnant and sleeping in your highschool room. 

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