Monday, July 5, 2010

"You're Beautiful"

People are so kind when you are pregnant...especially when you are in your 8th and 9th month.  They love to come up and say "You are so beautiful!".  Now, we all know that a pregnant woman suffers from many physically morphing phenomenon.  See below:
1.  face expands to cartoon like state (especially the nose region)
2.  volcanic eruption of groves of zits pop up on your face (and neck if you are as lucky as me)
3.  the ever expanding "trunk of the car"
4.  the "turkey temperature gage" on your tummy pops out
5.  you become dissected by the mysterious brown line of symmetry down your bump
6.  feet swell (not swell, as in "great, awesome, cool"... swell as in sausages exploding out of sandals)

But I think the most beautiful thing about being pregnant are the hidden tricks women use to continue with their lives...
1.  maternity support belt: hidden under the closes to hold up and support the muscles and tendons
2.  wearing your husbands boxers cause "nothing else seems to fit"
3.  giving up your cute nighties for your husbands XXL white undershirts: Sorry Jessica... "nothing but your t-shirt on" does not make you feel beautiful
4.  long shorts or "lorts" cause shaving above the knee just isn't going to happen... the physics does not seem possible

But to all the precious friends and family out there who continue to tell pregnant women how beautiful they are... bless you!!  Keep that myth alive...

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